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Item #: IN4200PE

  • Flexible neck allows you to optimally position airflow.
  • Hands-Free operation – With Photo Electric Eye
  • Multiple nozzle options to customize airflow for your specific application.
  • Mountable
  • Optional .01 micron filter for clean air
  • No periodic adjustments.

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The IN4200PE flexible nozzle neck frees the operator’s hands during assembly and manufacturing processes. A photoelectric eye controls both ionization and airflow, which reduces compressed air costs and extends the life of the ionizer.

Transforming Technologies’ AirFLEX IN4200PE Ionizer with a proximity sensor that controls the power and air flow for easy hands-free precision ionization. The flexible neck allows you to target the air flow directly at the intended surface for optimal static eliminating performance. Airflow is triggered when the sensor detects a nearby object so you can have hands-free ionization only when you need it. The AirFLEX ionizers are valuable because they can be mounted in hard to reach areas that larger ionizers just can not handle.

Maintenance Savings
Ptecâ„¢ ionizers save time and money because they require no calibration. Emitter life is increased and maintenance frequency is reduced, due to 68KHz AC ion emission.

The IN4200PE features the inherently stable output of all Ptecâ„¢ Ionizers and high-frequency AC (68KHz) ion emission. The flexible metal neck, with multiple nozzle options allows for easy operation and service of emitters. A foot switch and .01 micron filter combine to deliver clean air at the correct pressure when needed.

The IN4200PE is designed to neutralize electrostatic charges in bench top environments, sensitive materials assembly, Medical Device, SMT, Electronics Assembly, Automotive packaging, clean room and laboratory environments.

FL0020 Hollow Fiber Micro Filter
The FL0020 micro filter features a hollow fiber membrane that provides excellent filtration and has a long service life. The compact design is easy to install and comes with quick release connections for fast replacement. All materials used are compatible for the most stringent applications.  can you buy accutane in canada

Output Nozzle Tips
Change the airflow from the IN4000PE nozzle to can handle unique and difficult point-of-use ionization applications with interchangeable nozzle tips. Wide angle, long range, bendable, luer lock or manifold tips may be substituted depending on the application. cheapest place to buy accutane online

Verification and Calibration:
The IN4200PE ionizer comes factory calibrated and with a calibration certificate.  Ionizer performance can be tested and verified with a is it safe to order accutane online. Important tests to perform are positive and negative decay times and ion balance. It is recommended to test ionizer performance at least 1 per year.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 24 x 24 x 10 in

Close Proximity


Less Than 2secs at 12in.


0 +30 volts

Power Input

100V-240V AC

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